Friday, June 28, 2013

Make some easy cash online

Hey everyone, on a side note from my Pokemon blog, I thought I would share this website with you all. It is a fast and easy way to make money online. All you have to do is sign up for free and you make money from reading e-mails, taking surveys, referring other, and you even get $5 just for signing up. You get your first check and get gold status for even more bonuses after you accumulate up to $30. If you keep up with it, you can make a decent amount of money very quickly. However, if you slack off and hardly ever take surveys or do anything, you will still accumulate money, but it will be very slow. Take my word for it. I have been a member for a while and in the beginning, it was very slow because i wasn't dedicated. If you dedicate yourself and even set some time aside each day for it and I promise you, you won't regret it.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Pokemon Number 001 - Bulbasaur

This is the first Pokemon in the pokedex. It is one of the first starter Pokemon in the red and blue games for Game Boy color (the other 2 being Squirtle and Charmander). Bulbasaur is the easiest of the starter Pokemon to train for unknown reasons and that is just the way the game is programmed. Bulbasaur is the grass type Pokemon (which in my opinion is the worst Pokemon type due to it's many weaknesses which i will discuss later in this post). Bulbasaur in red and blue is ONLY available as a starter Pokemon and can NOT be caught anywhere else so if you do not choose him, the only way to get him is to do one of 2 things. Trade with someone that does have him or cheat, (I usually had to end up cheating lol) In Pokemon Yellow which is another first generation game, you start off with Pikachu as your only choice. Bulbasaur can be gotten after defeating misty (gym leader #2) in the house to the left of the gym.

Bulbasaur's pokedex descriptions by generation:

Gen 1 - A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokemon.

Gen 1 (yellow only) - It can go for days without eating a single morsel. In the bulb on its back, it stores energy.

Gen 2 (silver & soul silver) - It carries a seed on its back right from birth. As it grows older, the seed also grows larger.

Gen 2 (gold & heart gold) - The seed on its back is filled with nutrients. The seed grows steadily larger as its body grows.

Gen 3 - Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun’s rays, the seed grows progressively larger.

Gen 4 & 5 - For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back.

As you can clearly see, they are all the same thing, just worded slightly differently (which in my opinion is pointless and a waste of time and game component space).

Bulbasaur's weaknesses:

Regular defenses - Normal, Poison, Ground, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, and Steel.

Half effective defenses (means not very effective) - Water, Electric, Grass (actually Grass is 1/4 not 1/2), and Fighting.

Super Effective (does double damage) - Fire, Ice, Flying, and Psychic.

For a list of move sets throughout the different generations of moves through level up, eggs, move tutors, TM's , and HM's you can go to this link.

Bulbasaur's move sets:

The above link also has the locations which is Pallet town for Gen 1 and 2 except for Yellow which is in Cerulean City (not stated on the website).

Also, When Pokemon X & Y information is released, I will update this post and the same goes for all other posts (which will be several hundred).

Now for the main part, using Bulbasaur as a starter. Bulbasaur is not by any means a bad Pokemon but in the long run, if you decide to use him through the whole game, you will strongly regret your decision to do that and here is why. For gym 1 and 2 Bulbasaur is a GREAT Pokemon to use because with the right levels and moves, he can take them down single-handed. Then once you hit gym 3, he's pretty useless against all the gyms until 7. Then once again in victory road, he's almost 100% useless. he will be effective against a few Pokemon here and there in the Pokemon league. Bulbasaur also evolves twice.


At level 16 Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur and then at level 32 Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur. (I will do more information on them in their own posts).

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pokemon Information Introduction


Hello Everyone!

First I will tell you a little bit about my inspiration to make this blog. I am a huge Pokemon fan. I have played nearly all of the Pokemon games from Red, Blue, Yellow etc. all the way through to Black and White 2 and plan to get X and/or Y. I have also played the Pokemon pinball games, Pokemon stadiums, and Pokemon conquest. I however have not played some of the Pokemon games on the Wii because I do not own a Wii but may eventually get one and play those games as well. I want to share my love for Pokemon and I have vast knowledge of the games and the Pokemon themselves so I want to share my knowledge to help people learn and hopefully find the game(s) more enjoyable.

This blog will be an organized blog about pretty much anything you could want to learn about Pokemon. Each Pokemon will have it's own post for simple navigation to find what you want to know and skip what you already know or don't care to know. It will contain move sets, locations, pokedex descriptions, pictures of the Pokemon, and my own suggestions and opinions of that specific Pokemon. It will contain all legendaries and specific event Pokemon. If anyone has anything to they would like to add make sure to leave it in a comment for everyone else to see and I may even add it into the post.